Introducing Here & There. Our monthly roundup from the studio
Take a look at what we’ve been up to. From what inspires us, our work and what we’ve been watching, reading or listening to
What we've been working on
At the start of the month we launched our new website - a process that’s been 14 months in the making. We’ve worked hard to redefine our brand and sharpen our mission focus. You can read more about it here.
What's caught our eye
The Levi’s ‘Buy Better. Wear Longer’ campaign encourages customers to have better shopping habits, whilst highlighting their pledge to make products that are better for the environment, longer lasting and more cost effective.
Font of the month
Studio sounds
Mike’s been listening to
Nobody Knows (Ladas Road)
by Loyle Carner
Lee’s been listening to
The Simon Sineks podcast
TV Guide
Lee’s been watching
After The Roar: The Brian O’Driscoll documentary
Erin & Jess have been watching
Thanks for reading.
See you next month.