Polar Logo of a white polar bear
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Arcon Yachts
The Ocean Awaits
The Brief.

From a sea of sameness to aspirational oceans.

Covering sales and charter, to construction and management, Monaco based Arcon deliver unparalleled yachting experience. In a sea of sameness Arcon needed a brand that puts character at the forefront, positioning them as the aspirational choice.

With a strong foothold in Europe, Arcon wanted a brand that would give them a global presence. We focused on capturing the essence of Arcon Yachts’ legacy while infusing a modern and dynamic touch. Our goal was to create a brand identity that not only reflects the luxury and elegance of their services but also resonates with their discerning clientele around the world.

Arcon Yachts
Brand Identity • Website Design
What we delivered.

A key part of the identity revolves around the timeless art of marbling and its association with high-end interior design. Inspired by the ocean and contours of exploration, it’s a craft that requires skill and hands on application, connecting Arcons quality and high levels of service. We teamed up with Marbling Magpie’s Anna Brown to create a series of bespoke patterns, giving us a unique suite of assets to work with across print and digital.

The identity not only strengthens Arcon’s market position, but also highlights their experience and ability to connect with clients, providing a consistent and captivating brand experience.

The ocean awaits.

A large green speech mark icon.

We’re very pleased with the results of our beautiful rebrand. Polar have great creativity and work ethics and they are a credit to what they do.

Sergey Patrikeiv
Brand Manager

Your journey starts here

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