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Getting to know Jess

Introducing our new Meet the Team series, where we provide a deeper insight into the talented individuals behind the work at Polar. First up, we're chatting to Jess, our Senior Design Lead, and giving you a chance to get to know her better.

Who are you and what do you do?

I am Jess – the Senior Design Lead at Polar

Describe yourself in 3 words?

Perfectionist, Logical and Honest (some might say too honest!)

What's the best project that you have worked / working on?

Ooh, there are a lot to choose from. In the past – I would say GSMA reports, I have always loved turning a lengthy word doc with lots of layers into a fully designed, bespoke report. Currently, I would say SAGIC – we are currently working on a re-brand and updated website with them. The journey we have taken them on has been very rewarding and am looking forward to seeing the end result when it goes live.

Tell us something that we don’t already know?

I always wear odd socks!

Where is the best place that you have ever been?

Definitely the Canadian Rockies – particularly Lake Louise and the Colombian Icefields and Icefields Parkway. The views at the top of the glacier lake are incredible and was the brightest turquoise I have ever seen. The Colombian Icefields is just an experience in itself – knowing you're standing on ice that at its thickest point, measures the height of the Eiffel Tower! And driving along the Icefields Parkway – the most breathtaking views I have seen.

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

To make everyone slow down – life is so very fast paced now. Blink and we miss it. So I wish life could sometimes just slow down a little – for everyone's sake!

What is the favourite part of your job?

The variety I think. No two days are the same, no two clients are the same, no two projects are the same.

How did you get started in the industry?

I graduated in 2008 with a 1st Class Hons, just as a recession hit in the UK! No one was looking to hire sadly – so to begin with I worked for various agencies in London (for free) to simply gain as much experience as I could and to build up a portfolio and a network. I would also work for Royal Mail in the evenings to have a cashflow to pay for my travel into London. Looking back now it seems a little mad – but I was determined to break into the industry come what may – I wasn't ready to give in and take any job just because there was a recession.

I then came across an internship with an agency in East London – who I was with for 3 months initially and then at the end of the 3 months they offered me my first graphic design job. I felt like I had won the lottery! I was to stay with them for the next 7 years.

After which I went self employed for a few years and later joined Polar.

What advice would you give to someone who is just starting out?

To always keep going – never give up on your dream. Don't give up at the first hurdle that is put in your way. See everything that is thrown at you as a learning experience. I am 15 years in and I am still learning new things everyday – even now!

Getting to know Jess

Introducing our new Meet the Team series, where we provide a deeper insight into the talented individuals behind the work at Polar. First up, we're chatting to Jess, our Senior Design Lead, and giving you a chance to get to know her better.

Who are you and what do you do?

I am Jess – the Senior Design Lead at Polar

Describe yourself in 3 words?

Perfectionist, Logical and Honest (some might say too honest!)

What's the best project that you have worked / working on?

Ooh, there are a lot to choose from. In the past – I would say GSMA reports, I have always loved turning a lengthy word doc with lots of layers into a fully designed, bespoke report. Currently, I would say SAGIC – we are currently working on a re-brand and updated website with them. The journey we have taken them on has been very rewarding and am looking forward to seeing the end result when it goes live.

Tell us something that we don’t already know?

I always wear odd socks!

Where is the best place that you have ever been?

Definitely the Canadian Rockies – particularly Lake Louise and the Colombian Icefields and Icefields Parkway. The views at the top of the glacier lake are incredible and was the brightest turquoise I have ever seen. The Colombian Icefields is just an experience in itself – knowing you're standing on ice that at its thickest point, measures the height of the Eiffel Tower! And driving along the Icefields Parkway – the most breathtaking views I have seen.

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

To make everyone slow down – life is so very fast paced now. Blink and we miss it. So I wish life could sometimes just slow down a little – for everyone's sake!

What is the favourite part of your job?

The variety I think. No two days are the same, no two clients are the same, no two projects are the same.

How did you get started in the industry?

I graduated in 2008 with a 1st Class Hons, just as a recession hit in the UK! No one was looking to hire sadly – so to begin with I worked for various agencies in London (for free) to simply gain as much experience as I could and to build up a portfolio and a network. I would also work for Royal Mail in the evenings to have a cashflow to pay for my travel into London. Looking back now it seems a little mad – but I was determined to break into the industry come what may – I wasn't ready to give in and take any job just because there was a recession.

I then came across an internship with an agency in East London – who I was with for 3 months initially and then at the end of the 3 months they offered me my first graphic design job. I felt like I had won the lottery! I was to stay with them for the next 7 years.

After which I went self employed for a few years and later joined Polar.

What advice would you give to someone who is just starting out?

To always keep going – never give up on your dream. Don't give up at the first hurdle that is put in your way. See everything that is thrown at you as a learning experience. I am 15 years in and I am still learning new things everyday – even now!

Your journey starts here

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